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Behavioral Finance y alternativas a la teoría financiera clásica

Coordinator/Director: Dra. Teresa Corzo Santamaría
Centre/Institute/Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
University: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Main Focus Area: 2, Management and social responsability
Main SubFocus Area: Business competiveness and economic development
No. of PhDs: 7
Total members: 8

Brief description
This research group consists of 4 faculty members in the School of Economics and Business Administration with prior experience in research project management and research in this area, in addition to one professor by hours with a thesis project related to Behavioural Finance and work in the business community related to finance theories, another professor in the Business Administration area in the school with a research background in human behaviour within firms and a research professor in the National Bank of Spain with ample methodological and quantitative experience.
This group’s objectives are to:
– Foment research in this area of knowledge and stimulate PhD theses and projects in this field
– Prepare articles and publish them in scientific journals
– Participate in and present research in national and international conferences
– Participate in competitive calls for proposals.