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Procesos y contextos de enseñanza y aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida

Coordinator/Director: Dra. Isabel Muñoz San Roque
Centre/Institute/Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales
University: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Main Focus Area: 3, Education: innovation, competences and valuesDUCATION: INNOVATION, COMPETENCIES AND VALUESEducación: innovación, competencias y valores
Main SubFocus Area: New educational models
No. of PhDs: 8
Total members: 11

Brief description
The primary objectives of this group are as follows:
– Analyse the fundamental elements which have an impact on quality learning and the development of innovative processes in the different educational and learning contexts
– Work in close collaboration with the educational centres related to Comillas faculty in terms of research and the evaluation of methodologies, instruments and organisational factors which favour learning and educational innovation.
– Analyse and study the future evolution and functioning of new social and institutional contexts where learning develops in current societies.