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Presentation of the book “30 años de VIH/SIDA. Balance y nuevas perspectivas de prevención”

Of interest

  • Date: 28 November, 2013

30 años de VIH/SIDA. Balance y nuevas perspectivas de prevenciónThursday, 28 November, 19:00, a simultaneous book presentation will be held: “30 años de VIH-SIDA. Balance y nuevas perspectivas de prevención”, to commemorate World AIDS Day.  Participants at the University of Deusto include: Daniel Zulaica, coordinator of the AIDS programme of the Basque Government, who will give a lecture entitled: Sida, tiempos de crisis, épocas de oportunidades, and the participants in the book, who made an outline of their articles. Teresa Laespada will give a talk on: “Cuando el VIH-SIDA agrava las desigualdades de género”; Joseba Iraurgui will speak about “Ética y psicoterapia en personas afectadas por VIH-SIDA”; Iñigo de Miguel on “La crónica de un cambio del que congratularnos”; and Juan María de Velasco on “El Sida y la Solidaridad Cristiana”..

At Comillas University. participants include: Pedro Montilla, from Gregorio Marañón University Hospital, who will give a talk entitled: “El SIDA en Madrid”; Luis Fernando Ladeveze Piñol, from Comillas Pontifical University will speak about: “El VIH-SIDA en el mundo islámico”; Leide da Conceiçao Sanches, from Pequeño Principe (Curitiba, Brazil),  will lecture on: “VIH-SIDA en Brasil. Enfrentamientos de la cuestión y movilización  social”, and Javier de la Torre, Director of the Chair in Bioethics, will conclude with the presentation:  ”Un libro, 14 universidades y 15 países contra el SIDA”.

At Ramon Llull, the book will be presented by Dr. Anna Berga, URL’s general secretary and coordinator of the CIE Aristos Campus Mundus 2015, and Sister Margarita Bofarull, rscj, chairwoman of the Board of the Institut Borja de Bioètica (IBB). During this academic event, a roundtable discussion will be held. Participants will include: Dr. Joan Bertran, coauthor of the book and IBB member; Dr. Bonaventura Clotet, director of the IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute and Victoria Saura, social worker of the PSSJD Palliative Care Unit. It will be chaired by Núria Terribas, IBB Director.



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