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International Seminar “Migrations and Associationism in a Time of Crisis”

Of interest

  • Date: 7 May, 2013

The International Seminar “Migrations and Associationism in a Time of Crisis” (April 18, 2013, University of Deusto, Bilbao) is an initiative of the Institute of Human Rights (UD) and the University Institute on Migration Studies (Comillas)

The International Seminar “Migrations and Associationism in a Time of Crisis” (April 18, 2013, University of Deusto, Bilbao) is an initiative of the Institute of Human Rights at the University of Deusto and the University Institute on Migration Studies at the Pontifical University of Comillas (Madrid), within the framework of the International Campus of Excellence—Aristos Campus Mundus 2015. Within the acute socio-economic crisis afflicting our society, the Seminar’s goal is to deepen our analysis on the migrant population as one of the most vulnerable populations as well as their association networks.

We attempt to further understand the migration process in Spain and their associations from an interdisciplinary perspective, while including the active participation of their social organizations, as agents of change rather than objects of study. In addition, within this one-day Seminar, a Workshop will take place regarding the implications of new technologies for the migrant associations and their participation in the Information Society. Consequently, eighteen people from eleven institutions will participate in the event. Dr. Peggy Levitt, from Wellesley College, and Norma Fuentes, from Fordham University,—an Aristos Campus Mundus university partner—will be the main speakers at the Seminar. Dr. Levitt will deliver the inaugural speech.

The Social Center Foundation Ignacio Ellacuria and the Research Network IMISCOE collaborate in this initiative, which is framed within the Research Project AsiTIC of the University of Deusto (Ref. SO2012-31999), financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.


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