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Cátedra Rafael Mariño de Nuevas Tecnologías Energéticas

Coordinator/Director: Dra. Beatriz Yolanda Moratilla Soria
Centre/Institute/Faculty: ICAI
University: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Main Focus Area: 5, Energy and sustainability
Main SubFocus Area: Clean and efficient technologies
No. of PhDs: 3
Total members: 4

Brief description
The Rafael Mariño Chair of New Energy Technologies was created in May 2003 with sponsorship by Fundación SAMCA, and the incorporation in July 2004 of the company, Almarfe (Martinsa Group) as the Chair’s sponsor. In July 2007, Almarfe ended its sponsorship, replaced by Martinsa.
This Chair’s objectives are to:
Serve as a meeting point between companies and institutions to debate and reflect on the problem of energy sources
Carry out research and contribute to technological developments in the energy industry
Carry out non-official educational programmes, transfer results and raise awareness to promote responsible attitudes towards energy resources.