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27 September, 2016

ACM provides funding of €48,545 to six researchers

The call for Research Training Mobility Grants on ACM Joint PhD Programmes ends. Aristos Campus Mundus ACM ends the call for Research Training Mobility Grants on ACM Joint PhD Programmes. In this first edition, funding has been provided for 6 mobility applications with funding amount per grant of €8,090.83, €48,545, whose details can be found...

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26 September, 2016

ACM volunteers across the world

More than thirty university students took part in the Aristos Campus Mundus summer volunteering activities The second edition of the Aristos Campus Mundus summer volunteer programmes were a great success. Thirty- two students from the member universities travelled to six countries to put into practice their knowledge and, above all, to gain international...

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5 July, 2016

ACM PhD programme coordinators share their experiences

Aristos Campus Mundus held a meeting with PhD programme coordinators and academic committee members from the universities taking part in the project:  Deusto, Comillas and Ramon Llull. The meeting, held at Comillas Pontifical University, focused on promoting exchange of good practices and reflection on key aspects of the organisation of PhD studies. Pedro...

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4 July, 2014

Convocatoria del programa de ayudas para la investigación de la Universidad Ramon Llull

RESOLUCIÓN RECTORAL URL / R6/2014 del 4 de julio de 2014, del Rector de la Universidad Ramon Llull, por la que se abre la convocatoria de Ayudas a la Investigación de la URL para el año 2014. Dadas las bases del Programa de Ayudas a la Investigación en la Universidad Ramon Llull, aprobadas  mediante Resolución Rectoral, la Universidad Ramon Llull, resuelve  convocar la concesión de ayudas dentro del Programa de Ayudas a la Investigación de la Universidad Ramon Llull modalidad de Apoyo a Grupos de Investigación, preferentemente en alguna de las Áreas de Especialización o Focus Áreas contempladas en el proyecto Aristos Campus Mundus 2015.

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